API Report File for "@kadena/chainweb-node-client"
Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by API Extractor.
import type { IBase64Url } from '@kadena/types';
import type { ICap } from '@kadena/types';
import type { ICommand } from '@kadena/types';
import type { IMetaData } from '@kadena/types';
import type { IPactEvent } from '@kadena/types';
import type { IPactExec } from '@kadena/types';
import type { IUnsignedCommand } from '@kadena/types';
import type { PactValue } from '@kadena/types';
import type { SPVProof } from '@kadena/types';
// @alpha (undocumented)
export const CHAINS: readonly [
// @alpha
export type ChainwebChainId = (typeof CHAINS)[number];
// @alpha
export type ChainwebNetworkId = 'mainnet01' | 'testnet04' | 'development';
// @alpha (undocumented)
export function convertIUnsignedTransactionToNoSig(
transaction: IUnsignedCommand,
): ICommand;
// @alpha
export function createListenRequest({
}: ISendRequestBody): IListenRequestBody;
// @alpha
export function createPollRequest({ cmds }: ISendRequestBody): IPollRequestBody;
// @alpha
export function createSendRequest(
commands: ICommand | ICommand[],
): ISendRequestBody;
// @alpha
export interface ICommandResult {
// (undocumented)
continuation: IPactExec | null;
// (undocumented)
events?: Array<IPactEvent>;
// (undocumented)
gas: number;
// (undocumented)
logs: string | null;
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "IChainwebResponseMetaData" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// (undocumented)
metaData: IChainwebResponseMetaData | null;
// (undocumented)
reqKey: IBase64Url;
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "IPactResultSuccess" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "IPactResultError" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// (undocumented)
result: IPactResultSuccess | IPactResultError;
// (undocumented)
txId: number | null;
// @alpha
export interface IListenRequestBody {
// (undocumented)
listen: IBase64Url;
// @alpha
export interface ILocalCommandResult {
// (undocumented)
continuation: IPactExec | null;
// (undocumented)
events?: Array<IPactEvent>;
// (undocumented)
gas: number;
// (undocumented)
logs: string | null;
// (undocumented)
metaData: IChainwebResponseMetaData | null;
// (undocumented)
preflightWarnings?: Array<string>;
// (undocumented)
reqKey: IBase64Url;
// (undocumented)
result: IPactResultSuccess | IPactResultError;
// (undocumented)
txId: number | null;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export interface ILocalOptions {
// (undocumented)
preflight?: boolean;
// (undocumented)
signatureVerification?: boolean;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type ILocalResult = IPreflightResult | ICommandResult;
// @alpha
export interface IPollRequestBody {
// (undocumented)
requestKeys: Array<IBase64Url>;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export interface IPollResponse {
// (undocumented)
[key: IBase64Url]: ICommandResult;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export interface IPreflightResult {
// (undocumented)
preflightResult: ICommandResult;
// (undocumented)
preflightWarnings: [];
// @alpha
export interface IRequestKeys {
// (undocumented)
requestKeys: Array<IBase64Url>;
// @alpha
export interface ISendRequestBody {
// (undocumented)
cmds: Array<ICommand>;
// @alpha
export interface ISPVRequestBody {
// (undocumented)
requestKey: IBase64Url;
// (undocumented)
targetChainId: ChainwebChainId;
// @alpha
export function listen(
requestBody: IListenRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
): Promise<ICommandResult>;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type ListenResponse = ICommandResult;
// @alpha
export function local<T extends ILocalOptions>(
requestBody: LocalRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
options?: T,
): Promise<LocalResponse<T>>;
// @alpha
export function localRaw(
requestBody: LocalRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
}: {
signatureVerification: boolean;
preflight: boolean;
): Promise<IPreflightResult | ICommandResult>;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type LocalRequestBody = ICommand | IUnsignedCommand;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type LocalResponse<Opt extends ILocalOptions> = Opt extends {
preflight?: true;
? ILocalCommandResult
: ICommandResult;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type LocalResultWithoutPreflight = Omit<
// @alpha
export function mkCap(name: string, args?: Array<PactValue>): ICap;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export function parsePreflight(
commandResult: ILocalResult,
): ILocalCommandResult;
// @alpha
export function parseResponse<T>(response: Response): Promise<T>;
// @alpha
export function parseResponseTEXT(response: Response): Promise<string>;
// @alpha
export function poll(
requestBody: IPollRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
): Promise<IPollResponse>;
// @alpha
export function send(
requestBody: ISendRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
): Promise<SendResponse>;
// @alpha
export type SendResponse = IRequestKeys;
// @alpha
export function spv(
requestBody: ISPVRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
): Promise<SPVResponse | Response>;
// @alpha
export type SPVResponse = SPVProof;
// @alpha
export function stringifyAndMakePOSTRequest<T>(body: T): object;
// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)
import type { IBase64Url } from '@kadena/types';
import type { ICap } from '@kadena/types';
import type { ICommand } from '@kadena/types';
import type { IMetaData } from '@kadena/types';
import type { IPactEvent } from '@kadena/types';
import type { IPactExec } from '@kadena/types';
import type { IUnsignedCommand } from '@kadena/types';
import type { PactValue } from '@kadena/types';
import type { SPVProof } from '@kadena/types';
// @alpha (undocumented)
export const CHAINS: readonly [
// @alpha
export type ChainwebChainId = (typeof CHAINS)[number];
// @alpha
export type ChainwebNetworkId = 'mainnet01' | 'testnet04' | 'development';
// @alpha (undocumented)
export function convertIUnsignedTransactionToNoSig(
transaction: IUnsignedCommand,
): ICommand;
// @alpha
export function createListenRequest({
}: ISendRequestBody): IListenRequestBody;
// @alpha
export function createPollRequest({ cmds }: ISendRequestBody): IPollRequestBody;
// @alpha
export function createSendRequest(
commands: ICommand | ICommand[],
): ISendRequestBody;
// @alpha
export interface ICommandResult {
// (undocumented)
continuation: IPactExec | null;
// (undocumented)
events?: Array<IPactEvent>;
// (undocumented)
gas: number;
// (undocumented)
logs: string | null;
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "IChainwebResponseMetaData" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// (undocumented)
metaData: IChainwebResponseMetaData | null;
// (undocumented)
reqKey: IBase64Url;
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "IPactResultSuccess" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "IPactResultError" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// (undocumented)
result: IPactResultSuccess | IPactResultError;
// (undocumented)
txId: number | null;
// @alpha
export interface IListenRequestBody {
// (undocumented)
listen: IBase64Url;
// @alpha
export interface ILocalCommandResult {
// (undocumented)
continuation: IPactExec | null;
// (undocumented)
events?: Array<IPactEvent>;
// (undocumented)
gas: number;
// (undocumented)
logs: string | null;
// (undocumented)
metaData: IChainwebResponseMetaData | null;
// (undocumented)
preflightWarnings?: Array<string>;
// (undocumented)
reqKey: IBase64Url;
// (undocumented)
result: IPactResultSuccess | IPactResultError;
// (undocumented)
txId: number | null;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export interface ILocalOptions {
// (undocumented)
preflight?: boolean;
// (undocumented)
signatureVerification?: boolean;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type ILocalResult = IPreflightResult | ICommandResult;
// @alpha
export interface IPollRequestBody {
// (undocumented)
requestKeys: Array<IBase64Url>;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export interface IPollResponse {
// (undocumented)
[key: IBase64Url]: ICommandResult;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export interface IPreflightResult {
// (undocumented)
preflightResult: ICommandResult;
// (undocumented)
preflightWarnings: [];
// @alpha
export interface IRequestKeys {
// (undocumented)
requestKeys: Array<IBase64Url>;
// @alpha
export interface ISendRequestBody {
// (undocumented)
cmds: Array<ICommand>;
// @alpha
export interface ISPVRequestBody {
// (undocumented)
requestKey: IBase64Url;
// (undocumented)
targetChainId: ChainwebChainId;
// @alpha
export function listen(
requestBody: IListenRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
): Promise<ICommandResult>;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type ListenResponse = ICommandResult;
// @alpha
export function local<T extends ILocalOptions>(
requestBody: LocalRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
options?: T,
): Promise<LocalResponse<T>>;
// @alpha
export function localRaw(
requestBody: LocalRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
}: {
signatureVerification: boolean;
preflight: boolean;
): Promise<IPreflightResult | ICommandResult>;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type LocalRequestBody = ICommand | IUnsignedCommand;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type LocalResponse<Opt extends ILocalOptions> = Opt extends {
preflight?: true;
? ILocalCommandResult
: ICommandResult;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export type LocalResultWithoutPreflight = Omit<
// @alpha
export function mkCap(name: string, args?: Array<PactValue>): ICap;
// @alpha (undocumented)
export function parsePreflight(
commandResult: ILocalResult,
): ILocalCommandResult;
// @alpha
export function parseResponse<T>(response: Response): Promise<T>;
// @alpha
export function parseResponseTEXT(response: Response): Promise<string>;
// @alpha
export function poll(
requestBody: IPollRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
): Promise<IPollResponse>;
// @alpha
export function send(
requestBody: ISendRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
): Promise<SendResponse>;
// @alpha
export type SendResponse = IRequestKeys;
// @alpha
export function spv(
requestBody: ISPVRequestBody,
apiHost: string,
): Promise<SPVResponse | Response>;
// @alpha
export type SPVResponse = SPVProof;
// @alpha
export function stringifyAndMakePOSTRequest<T>(body: T): object;
// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)